Being married to a Russian wife, means I try to return to Russia as often as time allows. After an absence of nine years, I finally made a painting trip back this year, August 2019.
Like many things in Russia, things, including paintings, can be on very big scale! This is
Like many things in Russia, things, including paintings, can be on very big scale! This is
In the village of Labanove. This old house, dacha, has been abandoned. But full of interest and character for an artist!
One of the attractions of painting in these bright conditions, is the high contrast from extreme light to very dark shadows
Another change of subject! This time back at the dacha, and where the cooking is done! Everything is very basic and simple, quiet and peaceful.
...wonderful art galleries, with masterpieces!
Fortunately enough my visit coincided with a major exhibition at the Pushkin Museum, exhibiting the collection of Shchukin, a major collector of art in the first part of the 20th centaury/
My own paintings!
My visit to Russia was intended to, yes, relax, but also to get back into my own painting. Stayed in the Russian countryside near the small village of Lavanov, about 150km from Moscow. Here I'm painting on the edge of the village.
This watercolour sketch was done early in the morning, in the garden of our dacha (cottage in the countryside)
Change of mood and subject. A sunset. In Russia, you get big skies. Ideal for sunsets, rises, but also cloud studies.
The fruit trees were heavy with fruit during our August stay. Apples everywhere!