Weekly watercolour zoom online art classes for all abilities.
Times 7pm to 9pm.
You want to take up art, but don't want to travel to the nearest art class. Then consider doing zoom classes with me.
Never used zoom before? Worried about using this 'new technology' and feel out of your depth? No problem, because I'd never heard of zoom before Covid. Now it feels so natural to use. If interested in joining any of the below classes, I will arrange a free introduction for you, to familiarize you with it so you can enjoy it. Members who use zoom are very happy with it.
Instructions on how to download the zoom app and join your first meeting, find out more...
The classes are designed to give you a relaxed and comfortable class which allows you to learn art.
Weekly handout sent to you explaining classes for the coming week.
The format of the class is roughly as follows. When all participants have joined, we relax with a drink and we take a look at the subject I will have sent you in advance. I then discuss it with you and explain the lesson outcome. I then start you off by demonstrating the first phase. You watch and then make a start and catch-up. I then continue with the next phase. Again you will follow on. We have several pauses so we can look at each other's effort and I can give you further help and suggestions. We end the session with a final look at your work, not to judge it, but to give honest feedback to encourage you. I never say to anyone that their work is 'bad', because art doesn't work on a it's either good or bad. The class is designed to teach you techniques, rather than producing a painting to frame. Though if you want to frame your work, you're the best judge.
I now record the class, so I can send it to you allowing you to work from it out of class at your leisure. If you cannot make the Tuesday class, again I can send you the recording for the same class fee, £10. Payment can be made by bank transfer.
Beginners art class.

Stand about 4 feet from the bottle, outstretch your hand, close one eye. Take the width of the bottle, put the pencil into the horizontal, and divide up to the top of the bottle as in illustration 2.
To ensure correct measurements and proportions in a drawing and painting, I teach you the 'thumb & pencil' method.
Beginners art class on zoom.
Taking names for a future zoom beginners art class. Then you can enrol for further classes so that you can keep learning.
(if you live on Merseyside, then you might want to consider continuing the class at one of the venues, once they reopen)
Beginners art class. You will never paint well unless you get the basic drawing correct. You may have tried to draw at home, or in another art class, and quickly get frustrated because your drawing isn't like the subject in front of you! At this point, many would-be artists give up, which is a real tragedy. Problem is, there is a persistent myth that to be able to draw you need to be born with a natural talent. Untrue. Anyone can learn to draw in the same way you learn most things in life: drive a car, bake a cake, play a sport. Art is no different.
On week one, you will be introduced to materials needed, drawing. The first thing you will measure and draw is a humble bottle, to demonstrate the measuring system. Week two you will continue measuring and drawing, the subject now consisting of 3 items. And you continue to progress each week. By week 4 you will be introduced to using charcoal to turn your flat drawings into a 3 dimensional piece of art. By week 7 you'll probably start the painting process. Eventually you will be taught colour theory and how to mix colours, plus much more.
Portraiture 7.30 to 9.30 evenings
No dates ready for this zoom class, but if interested, contact me so I can keep you updated.
Portraiture is probably the hardest challenge for an artist. Reason, it's almost impossible to achieve a likeness in portraiture unless you place the features correctly. Often in experienced artists will just guess and hope for the best, but soon run into problems.
You need to have a measuring system to enable you to place the features exactly where they need to be. Once you've done this, often at a drawing stage, you will see a likeness emerge.
Flesh tones is another area where the inexperienced will falter. There are literally dozens of skin tones available to an artist, though you need to start with just two if a complete beginner. Initially we work with charcoal in the drawing stage. On the painting process we start off with black & white, so you can gain further experience at understanding tonal values.
The class is on-going so you can keep learning to help you become proficient in portraiture.
watercolour class, Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9pm
Watercolour class for those with some experience of using watercolour. You don't need to be very experienced to join this class, just an understanding of how to use the medium in a basic way. You will learn how to improve your technique. This class is designed to keep pushing you forward by experimenting with application of paint, even using ink, pastel.
It's not important to end the session with a finished painting, though often we do. It's intended that you 'learn'. I'm a strong believer in an 'impressionistic' approach - loose brushwork, more instinctive and spontaneous approach to watercolour, rather than a highly detailed approach, though if that is your preferred technique, fine, I will still give you help.
If interested, just contact me. Fee £10 per session.
Wednesday evenings, 7.30 to 9.30
Probably early February 2022 for this zoom class, if interested, just contact me to be kept up to date.
This class is designed for people who have no experience, or some knowledge, of doing art. No previous experience is necessary as you will learn from the basics, starting with the drawing and how to draw subjects in proportion. This is often why people give up art when trying it at home, or at a class which offers no in depth tuition. You can master the concept of measuring in two lessons! Then it's a matter of practice.
The format is the same as the other classes, once settled in, I will discuss the subject with you, then demonstrate. You will follow. We pause at times to catch up with you and to give feedback on your effort. We have a variety of subject, landscape, still-life, figurative.